Valentine's Lines (2023)


Marks: To show you how grateful I am for Valentine’s Day, I set my sights on preparing a White Day gift for you.’s a new gun care kit! Y-You like it, right? Do you like it?

Like Two: Ah, thanks for Valentine’s Day. This is a gift for White Day. The sunlight gets stronger from here out, so I picked out a hat that suits you. ...if you like it, make use of it.

Springfield: Master, as a White Day gift for you, this is a table lamp covered with stars. The gentle orange light reminded me of you... It’s not much, but I really hope you like it.

Gras: You actually managed to surprise me back on Valentine’s Day, you know. In return... a hundred roses. None of your other Musketeers would offer such a romantic gift, now would they?

Herme: Previously, I received chocolate from you. In return, your present is a souvenir. It’s a German-made chenille handkerchief— an artisan-created masterpiece made through a complex production process. I do hope you like it.

Siegblut: Here, take it. It’s an extra-large throw blanket from Germany. It’s good to put over a sofa or a table, to cover a shelf, or pretty much anything else you want to use it for. ...... (Tch... after taking ages to pick something, I finally managed to get it together...!)

Arisaka: Happy White Day, Master. This time, Arisaka will gift you his much-liked sweets. It’s konpeito. Apparently, it takes a full two weeks to make konpeito. Are you surprised? That’s why it’s so delicious, Arisaka thinks.

Murata: Happy White Day~♪ In return for the chocolate, I’m bestowing this folding fan to you. The design is a type of wave pattern that symbolizes a wish for days of eternal peace and happiness. All the best to you in the future.

Hachikyu: H-Hey, uh... You gave me something for Valentine’s Day, so I figured I should return the favor... I’m only being polite, s-so don’t read some deep meaning into it. I ordered some sweets that are popular in Japan right now, but... d-don’t get your hopes up...!

Belga: Chips are su~uper tasty, y’know! You want some too? I got pizza-flavored ones, mushroom, and fish too! I have like a hundred bags, so let’s eat some and read some manga~!

Fal: According to Hachikyu-san, if one receives sweets on Valentine’s Day, they’re supposed to return handmade sweets in kind. Thus, I tried to prepare something... here is something black that was intended to be a cheese sable.

Mikhael: I wonder why White Day is “White”. White... for pure love? Untainted feelings, perhaps? If that’s what it is, I can give this to you. Fingers dancing, a melody pours out to the sky, and the wind will carry it... to your heart.


Enfield: Master! Here, a White Day lottery box from me. Go on, draw a stick from it! ...“Shoulder Massage” it is! Yes, gladly! There are thirty more sticks inside, so please, draw one every day!

Snider: White Day? What’s that supposed to be? Valentine’s... ah, that’s right, you gave me sweets then. Hmph... fine. As punishment for demanding something in return, I’ll have some fun with you. Now, are you prepared?

George: Happy White Day, Master.☆ I made a photo album with pictures of flowers that bloom around the school~ And of course, both of us* are inside. If you like it, it’s all yours.☆

*George is referring to himself and Brown Bess here.

Kentucky: Happy White Day! Y’know, I’ve been thinkin’ super hard about how to make your day-to-day life happier... so please, take this present! It’s a super-fluffy bath towel...!

Pennsylvania: Happy White Day, Master. I put together a swing for you. Yeah, on that tree in the school’s back garden... was it a mistake to go and do that? Well, I’m sure it’s fine. Try it out for me, okay?

Charleville: Happy White Day, Master! A return gift from me just has to be macarons! They’re from my favorite shop in Paris, and they’re all March-limited flavors. Savor the swe~et joy of spring, alright?♪

Chassepot: In March, mimosas line the flower shops of Paris, all of them brilliant and beautiful. In the language of flowers, mimosas mean “gratitude”. That, and... well, never mind. I give you a bouquet overflowing with my feelings.

Tabatiere: Hey, Master-chan! To return the favor for Valentine’s Day... if you want to, how does a drive down to the coast sound? You can bask in the spring breeze, and lay back with the vast ocean before you.

Dreyse: Master, for Valentine’s Day, well... thank you. I would like to give you this as a show of my deepest gratitude. It’s a wreath of dried cornflowers. If it’s to your liking, please use it to decorate your room.

Jitte: Hey there, Happy White Day! As thanks for all you’ve done for me, I’m giving you some candy. Because candy lingers in your mouth and doesn’t break easily, it’s meant to mean “the relationship will last”. May my relationship with you as my Master go on forever!

Karl: Thank you for the lovely gift back on Valentine’s Day. As thanks, Lorenz and I have prepared a set of presents for you. The one from me is a gramophone. Please, enjoy the elegant moments it provides.

Lorenz: After discussing it with Karl-sama, I’ve prepared a gift for you, Test Subject #2. From me, here are ten classical-music records I recommend. Ten selections, carefully chosen! You’ll surely be intoxicated by their beautiful melodies.

Cutlery: Did you think I didn’t know about White Day? Hmph! Jitte told me about it. And I have the perfect thing for a return gift. This... is called Merveilleux. It’s super tasty... hey, taste it now!